Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Topics for Today:
1. EduBlogs
2. Using Tech

I dove into the EduBlog world last week.  I learned so many things just by peeking at them.  This week we had to go a little deeper, meaning commenting on and blogging about what we read.  I scanned the lists of EduBloggers to look for blogs about English. I found a couple I enjoyed, like this one and this one. I think it is a good idea to find teachers blogging about my content area, but I also find value in blogs about other content areas too.  Then I started looking at the general teaching strategies blogs.  I found I liked her writing style and the way she still seemed idealistic.  As I started thinking more, I like the general EduBlogs better or at least equal to the content area blogs because the advice is more applicable. Even within the content area of English, there are so many different genres and grade levels.  Sometimes the material is not relevant to what an English teacher could be teaching.  Teachers At Risk is a great blog that shares insights, resources, and practical classroom strategies.  

I liked this blog so much that I added it into my Google Reader. I was proud of myself for utilizing this resource. This only lasted a moment. When I logged into my Google Reader I had 135 unread posts.  Apparently I am good at finding cool stuff on the Internet, but not very good at actually reading it.  I hope this realization spurs me to go back and read those posts, but I'm not sure when.  I'm using the technology, I just have to be more efficient and more thoughtful with how I am using it.


  1. I found the edubloggers interesting as well...I liked finding the opinions of educators who have been in the profession enlightening. I found two history bloggers and liked their perspectives on the issues of today.

    My personal favorite was the 6 things I am going to do better this next year...I can not believe I enjoy blogging so much, lol

  2. Hey Tasha, I also liked the usefulness of edubloggers, I think it is a fantastic resource to go back to when in need of inspiration and advice for our future careers. I think I like the content area blogs a little more since I can use more of it in my classroom, while the general blogs do have great advice, I think that content area blogs offer much more applications that we can toy around with later in our careers. I really wish that we had had a class in 504 just dedicated to edublogs since it seems like a great resource that will surely give us plenty of resources. What were some of the applications you found when reading the English edublogs?
